Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO v2.6.1 [By FlyCart] Free Download
With Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Free Download, create Dynamic Pricing and Discounts in your WooCommerce online store easily. Bulk discounts, cart discounts, special offers, user role based discounts and more.
Offer Product quantity based discounts, cart based discounts at a percentage or fixed amount or discount based on total order. Create Buy One and Get one free (BOGO) deals and increase your sales multifold by offering dynamic pricing and discounts based on categories, products, user roles, cart items, purchase history and much more in the pro version.
Why you should have Discount Rules PRO Free Download or your WooCommerce Store?
Discount is a time-tested sales booster. Discount Rules for WooCommerce – PRO is the most loved discount plugin with tons of features, easy to use interface and crafted for increasing your sales conversions.
There are a number of discount plugins for WooCommerce out there. But discount scenarios differ vastly from store to store. So just installing a discount plugin is not sufficient. You would need a professional help to achieve your discount strategy.
That’s why we have one the best customer support service.
Here is what you get with Discount Rules PRO Nulled…
You can set discounts for products and product variations. You can also set discounts based on categories, attributes, customers, user roles in the pro version.Discounts will be visible in product page, product details page, cart, checkout and in email notifications.
Display the pricing discount table beautifully on the product page. Start selling more and retain customers by running promotions with the best dynamic pricing and discount plugin for WooCommerce.
Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Free Download Features
- Percentage based discounts in WooCommerce
- Store-wide global discount
- Quantity range based tiered pricing percentage discount (Example: Buy 3 to 7 quantities, get 10%, Buy 8 to 12 quantities, get 20%)
- Cart based percentage discount (Example: Spend more than $1000, get 10% discount)
- Order total based discount
- Number of line items (count) based discount (Example: Purchase 4 different products or variants and get 10% discount)
- Exclude selected products from discount rules (product price based rules)
- Date based discount (validity)
- Show discount table on product pages
Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Nulled Features
- All features of the free version, plus)
- Fixed price discounts ( Get $9 discount for purchasing over 6 items)
- Category specific discount conditions ( Get 25 % off on all items under Summer Collection )
- Buy One Get One Free discounts in WooCommerce (BOGO Deals) Example: Buy 2 get 1 cheapest product free
- Dynamic pricing and discounts for WooCommerce
- Specific product based discounts (Buy Product A and get 10% discount)
- User role based dynamic pricing and discounts for your WooCommerce store (Example: Wholesale customers get a discounted price)
- Dependant product based discounts (Buy Product A and get discount on Product B)
- Bundle / package deal (Buy 3 items for $10. 4th item will be charge full price)
- Offer one or more free products (Multiple products could be offered free using a rule)
- Coupon code activated discount rules – The discount will apply after a coupon is entered.
- Option to set discount for each product variant.
- Attribute specific discount (Buy Small size T-shirts and get 10% discount)
- Option to set Discount for All Products or Global Discount
- Discount for customers with specific domains (10% discount for all emails ending with
- Customer specific discount (10% discount for selected customers)
- Shipping / Delivery location based discount (Example: If shipping destination is California, get 15% discount)
- Purchase history based discount (Customers who spent $100 in previously get 10% discount)
- Discount based on the number of orders placed earlier (Example: 10% discount for customers with 5 or more orders)
- If customer purchased selected products previously, he can get a discount (Example: Customers who purchased Shoes get 10% discount)
- Applying multiple discount rules in a purchase (Get 5% for order above $500 and 10 % for buying more than 6 items)
- Cart discounts by sum of item quantities in cart (Order more than 10 items from any category and get 15 % discount)
- Cart discounts by selected customers (John gets 25% life time discount. Ellen gets 10 % limited period offer)
- Cart discounts by fixed price discounts (Flat $50 discount for all orders today)
- Buy 3 units of Product A and get flat $25 discount
- Add 3 products to the cart and get the Cheapest Item free
- Buy any 10 products from Specific category and get a Product Free from Category B
- Buy Product A and Product B from Category Electronics and get a free product from category Accessories
- Buy any Product from Category Mobile and choose a free product from Category Hard Cases
- Option to offer free products only from certain category
- Exclude products on SALE from discount rules
- SALE Badge for discounted products (When the rules match)
- Option to show or hide the discounted price
- Priority support for PRO version
Download Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Nulled Free
- All Themes/Plugins presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
- Unlimited use, you can install them on any site with full premium features available.
- 100% clean files and free from viruses.
- This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
- We highly recommend buying Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Free Download from the official site.
- If you can’t find the latest version of the product on the site or want any Theme/ Plugin, that is not available here, please contact us. I will upload it as soon as possible.
Discount Rules for WooCommerce PRO Free Download ChangeLog
2.6.2 – 27/09/23Add: Compatibility for WooCommerce 8.1 2.6.1 – 12/07/23 Improvement: Pagination improvements [Core]. Improvement: Text changes [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_matched_set_discount_range [Pro]. Add: Support collection addon(v1.2.0) on BXGY [Pro]. Fix: Duplicate coupon message while using URL coupon [Core]. Fix: Tax not included on dynamic strikeout [Core]. Fix: Tax not included on discount table for variable products [Core and Pro]. Fix: BXGY variants not working on few cases [Pro]. 2.6.0 – 08/05/23 Add: Pagination on backend rule listing [Core]. Add: Support WooCommerce High-Performance order storage feature [Core and Pro]. Add: Tab for display Addons [Core]. Add: Option to exclude out of stock product on on-sale page [Core]. Improvement: Query optimization while load coupon in backend [Pro]. Improvement: Show message in plugin page when a major release is available [Core]. Improvement: Allow span, div and p tag on HTML accepted fields [Core]. Improvement: Changed TEXT to LONGTEXT for the columns filters, conditions [Core]. Improvement: Display single value on discount table when start and end range is same [Core]. Improvement: Licence URL update [Pro]. Improvement: Load individual product count through the event advanced_woo_discount_rules_include_cart_item_to_count_quantity [Core]. Improvement: Support {{cart_subtotal}} shortcode on promotion message. [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_product_discount_price [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_product_discount_details [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_product_discount_percentage [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_product_save_amount [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_cart_item_discount_price [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_cart_item_discount_details [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_cart_item_saved_amount [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_order_item_discount_price [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_order_item_discount_details [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_order_item_saved_amount [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_order_discount_details [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_order_saved_amount [Core]. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_cart_subtotal_promotion_message [Core]. Fix: Warning when regular price in not entered on product [Core]. Fix: Loading range on backend – disappear when remove the first one [Core and Pro]. Fix: Wrong calculation in cart discount while enable apply all matched rule with Apply discount sequentially option [Core]. Fix: Showing wrong strikeout on product page [Core]. Fix: Adding discount info meta field even if no discount applied [Core]. 2.5.4 – 30/01/23 Fix: Discount data is not stored for analytics when change language using WPML [Core]. Fix: Discount value is incorrect on coupon report for fixed discount type [Core]. Fix: Dynamic strikeout not working for variable product [Core]. 2.5.3 – 16/01/23 Improvement: Show used coupon report [Core] Improvement: Dynamic strikeout script update to check the target first with in form [Core]. Improvement: Updated JQuery UI version [Core]. Fix: Validation fix on creating rules [Pro]. Fix: Warning when on rule conditions due to translation [Core]. Fix: The cheapest product does not receive a discount when variant together option is enabled [Pro]. Fix: Error on variation is not an array [Pro]. Fix: Condition doesn’t matches when have Match any option with user role condition [Pro]. Fix: On-sale page shows incorrect data while have attribute in filters [Pro]. 2.5.2 – 09/11/22 Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_exclude_coupon_while_remove_third_party_coupon [Core]. Improvement: Updated code on check free shipping [Core]. Add: Support for WordPress 6.1 [Core and Pro]. Fix: SKU filter displays wrong value, when having space in SKU [Pro]. 2.5.0 – 01/11/22 Improvement: Added applied discount info in order and order item meta _wdr_discounts [Core and Pro]. Improvement: Loading issue on shop page while having variable price strikeout improvement [Core]. Improvement: Set 3 for 10 fixed .1 difference on subtotal [Pro]. Improvement: Doing strikeout on cart while using third-party shortcode [Core]. Improvement: Show free shipping rule reports since v2.5.0 [Pro]. Improvement: Added order_item_id and other_discount columns in wdr_order_item_discounts table [Core]. Add: Show total order count and sales on report section [Core and Pro]. Fix: Disable coupon option doesn’t working with free shipping [Pro]. Fix: Applied message is not displaying in cart for free shipping [Pro]. Fix: Limit option is not working with Free shipping [Pro]. Fix: Warning on PHP 8 [Core and Pro]. Fix: Fatal error on load order item meta [Core]. 2.4.5 – 27/09/22 Improvement: Additional param on the event advanced_woo_discount_rules_strikeout_price_html [Core]. Improvement: Backend field validation [Core and Pro]. Improvement: Condition and filter matches on any operation [Core and Pro]. Fix: Applying discount more than discount quantity on set and BXGY [Pro] Fix: Quantity issue on set discount while manual request [Pro]. 2.4.4 – 09/08/22 Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_after_delete_rules Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_page_tabs Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_process_custom_filter Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_load_custom_filter_data Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_update_additional_data_before_save_rule Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_after_save_rule Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_do_strikeout_for_out_of_stock_variants Fix: Onsale page query improvement for on-sale filter. Fix: Redirecting to list page on create rule instead of edit page. Fix: BXGY cheapest variants together strikeout issue fix Fix: Wrong price on subtotal promotion message while set including tax. 2.4.3 – 28/06/22 Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_is_valid_filter_type Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_after_delete_rule Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_after_delete_rules Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_page_tabs Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_process_custom_filter Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_load_custom_filter_data Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_update_additional_data_before_save_rule Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_after_save_rule Fix: Onsale page query improvement for on-sale filter. Fix: Redirecting to list page on create rule instead of edit page. 2.4.3 – 28/06/22 Fix: Sale page doesn’t filters based on selected rules. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_price_of_cart_item_on_find_cheapest_item 2.4.2 – 21/06/22 Feature: Option to schedule sale page product rebuild on daily once. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_variation_title_modify_count Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_refresh_shipping_options_on_order_review Fix: Cart coupon Condition not working when cart is empty. Fix: Fatal error due to Invalid Product ID on save rule. Fix: Warning on ajax strikeout. Fix: Strikeout not displayed for BXGY cheapest individual product on product page and cross sell block. Fix: BXGY discount applies before matches. Fix: esc_attr() applied to prevent XSS issues. 2.4.1 – 17/05/22 Improvement: Added template override path for Bulk table. Improvement: Removed backslash while using single quote on promotion message. Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_allowed_html_elements_and_attributes. Improvement: Load rule id on discount table info for BXGY and Set discount. Improvement: V1 to v2 migration limit. Fix: Table compare issue. Fix: Division by zero. Fix: Warning on get cart. 2.4.0 – 06/04/22 Deprecated: V1 layout. Fix: Calculating discount for out of stock product variant. Fix: Custom taxonomy query while process on-sale page. Fix: Multiple messages on having BXGY cheapest rules. Improvement – Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_cart_strikeout_quantity_html. 2.3.13 – 09/02/22 Feature – Apply coupon through URL option. Improvement – Compatible option for Multi-Currency by WPML. Improvement – Compatible for WooCommerce Multi-Currency by TIV.NET. Improvement – Compatible for WooCommerce Price Based on Country by Oscar Gare. Improvement – Quantity calculation for Cart Item Product Combination Condition on having multiple product with same Id. Improvement – PHP 8 compatible. Improvement – Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_calculate_discount_for_cart_item. Fix – BXGY categories are not displaying in report. Fix – Warning on applying Cart adjustment. Fix – Discount table doesn’t loads for variable product based on exclusive option. Fix – Not in list filter for variant sku also consider for discount. 2.3.12 – 13/01/22 Improvement – WooCommerce 6.1 compatible Fix – Error on API calls. 2.3.11 – 16/12/21 Improvement – Load cart item quantity through event advanced_woo_discount_rules_cart_item_quantity. Improvement – Load cart item count through event advanced_woo_discount_rules_include_cart_item_to_count_quantity. Improvement – Disable free shipping rule in statistics. Improvement – Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_admin_rule_notices. Improvement – Warning on product doesn’t exists / out of stock for BXGY. Fix – Purchase history quantities for Specific Product condition doesn’t considered variants. Fix – Not displaying variant name when having more than 3 combination of attributes. Fix – Auto add next available variant when a variant in not purchasable. 2.3.10 – 15/11/21 Improvement – Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_calculate_cheapest_discount. Improvement – Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_use_sale_badge_percentage_customization. Improvement – Revert First order condition doesn’t worked for mix guest and login Fix – Not displaying variation title in BXGY auto add select on cart. Fix – BXGY doesn’t auto remove on checkout on rule failed. Fix – Handle BXGY sale badge on user group condition. Fix – Same price strikeout issue. Fix – Fatal error on product object as null.