WP All Import Pro Free Download has a four step import process and an intuitive drag & drop interface that makes complicated import tasks simple and fast. There are no special requirements that the elements in your file must be laid out in a certain way. “WP All Import pro free download” really can import any XML or CSV file.
WP All Import pro nulled addons can be used for everything from migrating content from a legacy CMS to WordPress to building a store with an affiliate datafeed to displaying live stock quotes or sports scores to building a real estate portal. Check out our documentation and video tutorials to make the most of WP All Import free download.
WP All Import Pro download nulled integrates with our companion plugin, WP All Export. You can export posts, WooCommerce products, orders, users, or anything else with WP All Export. Then you can edit in Excel and re-import to the same site or migrate the data to another site with WP All Import.
For technical support from the developers, please consider purchasing WP All Import Pro.
WP All Import Pro free download is a paid upgrade that includes premium support and adds the following features:
Import data to Custom Fields – used by many themes, especially those using Custom Post Types – to store data associated with the posts.
Import images to the post media gallery – WP All Import pro download can download images from URLs in an XML or CSV file and put them in the media gallery.
Cron Job/Recurring Imports – WP All Import pro plugin nulled can check periodically check a file for updates, and add, edit, and delete to the imported posts accordingly.
Import files from a URL – Download and import files from external websites, even if they are password protected with HTTP authentication. URL imports are integrated with the recurring/cron imports feature, so WP All Import can periodically re-download the files and add, edit, and delete posts accordingly.
Execution of Custom PHP Functions on data, i.e. use something like [my_function({xpath/to/a/field[1]})] in your template, to pass the value of {xpath/to/a/field[1]} to my_function and display whatever it returns.
Guaranteed technical support via e-mail.
Need to import XML and CSV to WooCommerce? Check out our WooCommerce add-on.
Wp All Import Pro Nulled
Read on to learn more about the CSV importer functionality of WP All Import nulled. Importing CSVs with WP All Import pro nulled is exactly the same as importing XML files, because internally, WP All Import actually converts your CSV file to an XML file on the fly.
You can use the same XPath filtering options and all the same features you have when importing XML files. CSV imports don’t require your CSV file to have a specific structure. Your CSV file can use any column names/headings. You can map the columns in your CSV file to the appropriate places in WordPress during the import process.
When importing CSV files, your CSV should have UTF-8 encoding if you are having trouble importing special characters. In step 2 of a CSV import, you can specify an alternative delimiter if you aren’t using a comma.
WP All Import can import CSVs that are pipe-delimited, # delimited, or delimited/separated by any other character. For CSV import tutorials and example files, visit our documentation. Please keep in mind CSV imports with WP All Import Pro free are just like XML imports – you have all the same functionality, and the process is exactly the same.
Any of our tutorial videos that apply to XML files also apply to importing CSV files, so if you see a tutorial with us importing an XML file, know that you can follow the exact same steps for a CSV import.
A number of premium add-ons are available to add functionality to the importer and make XML & CSV import tasks to complex plugins simple.
Advanced Custom Fields Add-On – ACF XML & CSV importer
WooCommerce Add-On – XML & CSV importer for all WooCommerce product types
User Import Add-On – XML & CSV importer for users, including user_meta
Link Cloak Add-On – Auto-create redirects for links present during an XML or CSV import
If you can’t find the latest version of the product on the site or want any Theme/ Plugin, that is not available here, please contact us. I will upload it as soon as possible.
WP All Import Pro Nulled ChangeLog
security improvement
improvement: resolve PHP 8 Deprecated notice
security improvement
security improvement
improvement: changed Manage Imports page button labels to be more precise
improvement: assign ‘Uncategorized’ term to posts imported without a category assigned
improvement: add support for taxonomies that return objects instead of IDs
improvement: remove commented code that could cause false positives for security scans
bug fix: jQuery error related to ‘destroy’ method
bug fix: rare issue that prevented content image URLs from being updated during import
bug fix: taxonomies section drag and drop doesn’t save after rearranging fields
bug fix: conflict with Advanced Ads plugin
bug fix: ‘Instead of deletion, set missing records to out of stock’ still deleting products
bug fix: jQuery nestedSortable compatibility with WordPress 5.9
improvement: better sanitization and escaping of data in WP All Import interface
improvement: better sanitization and escaping of data in WP All Import interface
improvement: use libraries included in WordPress Core
security fix
bug fix: images not updated for existing products when using WooCommerce Import Add-On
improvement: add ability to control taxonomy mapping case sensitivity via filter wpai_is_case_insensitive_taxonomy_mapping
improvement: add ability to control uploads directory for single file/image via filters wp_all_import_single_image_uploads_dir and wp_all_import_single_attachment_uploads_dir
improvement: add missing options on confirm import step
bug fix
improvement: initial PHP 8 support
bugfix: manage_options capability check
bug fix: categories were imported despite the taxonomy option being disabled
improvement: add ability to filter csv escape symbol via wp_all_import_csv_parser_settings filter
maintenance: compatibility with Elementor v3.3 JavaScript changes
bug fix: call to the non existing function wp_all_import_sanitize_url
bug fix: import of taxonomies hierarchy didn’t work properly
improvement: git rid if deprecated join query on manage imports screen
improvement: add is_update_post_format option
improvement: add wp_all_import_manual_matching filter
improvement: add wp_all_import_logger filter
bug fix: records were removed from pmxi_posts table when activating WPAI on multisite installation
bug fix: get rid of unused deprecated function add_contextual_help()
bug fix: PMXI_Hash_Record class doesn’t exist error appears when deleting missing records
improvement: get rid of deprecated setting ‘High Speed Small File Processing’
bug fix: chromium scroll anchoring caused screen jumping effect
bug fix: pagenum query argument caused broken link on import complete screen
improvement: compatibility with WordPress 5.5
API: added helper function wp_all_import_get_import_id()
API: added helper function wp_all_import_get_import_post_type($import_id)
bug fix: switch to CodeMirror implementation shipped in WordPress core
bug fix: unable to double click to insert XPath in some cases
bug fix: unable to apply pmxi_is_images_to_update filter to featured images
bug fix: unable to match existing images when suffix is added to file name during import
improvement: match existing images by filename with underscores
API: add new action wp_all_import_before_preserve_post_data
API: add new filter wp_all_import_specified_delimiters
bug fix: attachment author not imported for API image imports
improvement: add support for importing WebP images
bug fix: images in content not being imported when creating new simple WooCommerce products
improvement: add support for .tsv format
API: add current XML variable to pmxi_article_data filter
bug fix: post terms incorrect after import complete, must be recounted
bug fix: empty attachments created when attachment import fails
bug fix: matching posts by ID matches and imports into attachments with the same ID