Free Download Rey Theme

Free Download Rey Theme v2.8.5– Fashion & Clothing, Furniture Latest Version [Activated]

The Ultimate Guide to Rey – A WooCommerce Theme.

If you’re looking for a beautiful, minimal theme for your online store, then you need to check out Free Download Rey Theme. This WooCommerce theme is perfect for ecommerce stores that need to be as simplistic and clean as possible. Rey is a clean, elegant, and minimalist theme that will work for any type of ecommerce store.


1. A Quick Overview of Rey Theme

Rey is an ecommerce theme that is perfect for any ecommerce store. It has a clean and modern design, a unique color scheme, and a ton of features that will allow you to easily create your perfect ecommerce store. It has a responsive design that will look good on any device. It is also SEO friendly, has a lot of social media integrations, and is fully customizable. This theme is the perfect choice for any ecommerce store.

2. How to Install Rey Theme

Rey is a WooCommerce theme that is perfect for ecommerce websites. With Rey, your website design will be easy and beautiful. Rey is also SEO-friendly and easy to customize. The best way to install Rey is to download the theme and then import the theme into your WordPress website.

3. Features of Rey Theme 

This theme comes with a lot of features that make it easier for you to create a beautiful website. The themes’ features include WooCommerce compatibility, SEO optimized, and a lot more. The theme also comes with a bunch of different options to choose from.

4. Conclusion.

The Ultimate Guide to Rey is a WooCommerce Theme that is designed for anyone with a business and an online store. It’s a theme that is easy to use and customize, and it offers an abundance of features, including an AJAX shopping cart and a large selection of widgets that you can use to make your store look absolutely stunning. It’s also SEO optimized and has a lot of great features that will help you sell more products.

Download Rey Theme v2.8.5 [Latest Version]




  • All Themes/Plugins presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
  • Unlimited use, you can install them on any site with full premium features available.
  • 100% clean files and free from viruses.
  • This item is for testing & studying purposes only and is not supported for commercial use.
  • We highly recommend buying Rey Theme from the official site.
  • If you can’t find the latest version of the product on the site or want any Theme/ Plugin, that is not available here, please contact us. I will upload it as soon as possible.

Rey ChangeLog

30 Jan 2024

Improvement: Catalog ratings, added option to show stars without product ratings;
Improvement: Product mobile gallery added option to peek into next image;
Improvement: Product page, new choice to show Rating stars before the title;
Improvement: Update ACF Pro to 6.2.5;
Fix: Elementor v3.19 compatibility;
Fix: Compatibility with picture tags in product page gallery;
Fix: Product Grid widget’s Load more not working sometimes with archive templates;
Fix: Compare page, not showing rating properly;
Fix: Related products mobile carousel with 1 product duplicating;
Fix: Split cover in Flex Container;
Fix: Price range visual bug in Recent products;
Fix: Price in Add to cart button, removed 0 decimals;
Fix: Off-canvas panels custom trigger, compatibility with dom changes;
Fix: Category filters in show ancestors mode, not showing subcategories;
Fix: Header account text not changing on mobile;
Fix: Compatibility with Extra variation images and WP All Import;
Fix: PHP Notice;

10 Jan 2024

Improvement: Product page’s gallery, disabled images lazy load in favor of browser behaviour;
Improvement: Product page gallery, added Counter;
Fix: PHP error in the Header account button;
Fix: Product videos ratio not working;
Fix: Sticky Add to cart bar overlapping main menu on mobile;
Fix: Products misalignment on tablets;
Fix: Elementor’s Container padding/margins problems;
Fix: Accesibillity improvements;
Fix: Sticky Add to cart bar, price for multi priced variations;
Fix: Header basic CTA, support for inner html;
Fix: Rey’s checkout thumbnail, force using “woocommerce_thumbnail”;
Fix: Attributes filters, Query type not working with AND;
Fix: Prevent empty searching;
Fix: Add to cart widget, Stock icon not showing sometimes;
Fix: Ajax loaded blog posts having odd spacing;
Fix: Product page carousels, conflicting with inner product slideshows;
Fix: Compare page, sometimes products inherit attribute data from other products;
Fix: PHP deprecation errors;
Fix: Filters tax query sometimes overrides previews parameters;
Fix: Fullscreen product page layout, support for summary padding;
Fix: Extra Variation images, ensure valid attachment IDs storing;
Fix: Sticky gallery in product page (using vertical layout);
Fix: Offcanvas panels, top gap when logged in;
Fix: Flickering in product page’s gallery with single variation selection;
Fix: Grouped products compatibility with Select list quantity;
Fix: Cart’s cross-sells product carousel, display improvements;
Fix: Mobile view switcher, incompatibility with Grid list display;
Fix: Cover Side-slide, fade animation problems;
Fix: Quickview’s swatches and gallery not updating sometimes;
Fix: Title equalize on mobile, on View switcher;
Fix: infinite loading offset depending on grid height;
Fix: Sorting selector, arrow not clickable;
Fix: Listing product items, Sold out badge display per variation;
Fix: Wishlist has products when creating account;
Fix: Sometimes tooltips show with empty text.

5 Dec 2023

Improvement: Added support for color definitions on custom attributes in variations;
Fix: Catalog product slideshows, not showing images properly on mobiles;
Fix: Product page gallery compatibility with Picture tags;
Fix: PHP error happening sometimes when activating Elementor;
Fix: Compare link not showing in Account menu after login;
Fix: Product Grid’s Cross-selling product, not working with “Use Current product” option;
Fix: Accessibility fixes;
Fix: Before/After widgtet inside Container;
Fix: Product gallery images, better compatibility with Imagify;
Fix: PHP warnings after updating Elementor;
Fix: Tags widget, force ids ordering;
Fix: Product page gallery, layout problems with fullscreen layout;
Fix: Widgets show/hide on, sometimes not showing correctly;

21 Nov 2023

Improvement: Out of stock variation swatches faded by default, but clickable;
Fix: Videos in lightbox causing an overlapping error;
Fix: Gallery images not showing sometimes;
Fix: Products lightbox image sometimes stay stuck when opened;
Fix: Wishlist “favorite” icon not showing on product pages;
Fix: Inline search on mobile, form not showing sometimes;
Fix: Replaced Twitter icon with X;
Fix: Mobile related product shifts;
Fix: Catalog product slideshows, not showing images properly on mobiles;

17 Nov 2023

Improvement: Product gallery, added option to control auto-height transition;
Improvement: Product Gallery accessibility improvements;
Fix: Product’s second image shows the 3rd instead;
Fix: Cover Split, mobile problem with Prevent image cutting enabled;
Fix: Extra variation images problematic when having same main image and variation image;
Fix: Sometimes Woo’s notifications don’t show the icon;
Fix: Quantity select list, update maximum based on stock quantity;

15 Nov 2023

Improvement: Refactored product page gallery using native browser features and resulting in smaller code footprints and better compatibility with depending modules (videos, extra variation images etc.);
Improvement: Added new product page gallery layout – Grid Pattern, using a custom defined pattern of items per row;
Improvement: Added option to control gallery images’ aspect ratio;
Improvement: Text widget toggle, support for height for mobile/tablet;
Improvement: Product next/prev navigation, ability to exclude products hidden from catalog;
Improvement: Added option to toggle product page’s Specifications block;
Improvement: Added new choice for mobile menu’s global section position;
Improvement: Price in Add to cart button, refactored code for better compatibility with other plugins;
Improvement: updated Action Scheduler to 3.6.3;
Improvement: Updated ACF Pro to 6.2.2;
Improvement: Option to show Cart’s button text on mobile as well;
Fix: Blurry slider slides not visible in edit mode;
Fix: Sometimes ajax search results show all languages results;
Fix: Assets problem when viewing “wc-api” endpoint;
Fix: Black bolt icon;
Fix: Swatches tooltip in product page causing horizontal overflow;
Fix: Header’s Account not able to pick Heart icon;
Fix: SKU change not working on variation selection when in Elementor built product pages;
Fix: Product gallery 360 image, alignment on Vertical gallery;
Fix: Variation swatches in catalog, link update when missing add to cart button;
Fix: After added to cart Popup, not falling back on Related products;
Fix: Product Skin – Cards, gaps in carousels not applying properly;
Fix: Filtering counting Sorting as a filter;
Fix: Lazyloaded product grid in Tabs, not loading properly sometimes;
Fix: Quickview in wishlist page not working sometimes;
Fix: Clipping background effect on section, jittering sometimes;
Fix: Recently viewed products count, sometimes not accurate;
Fix: Wishlist buttons Add/Remove status on cached websites;
Fix: Tooltips in filtering widgets;
Fix: Checkout Order title removed duplication;
Fix: Wishlist Account’s List style not working sometimes;
Fix: Before/after compatibility with lazy loading images;
Fix: Hoverbox images Alt text attribute;
Fix: Compatibility with Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce (preview image);
Fix: Product page navigation, adjustment made to the adjacent by post date;
Fix: Wishlist widget, counter bubble color not changing;
Fix: Estimated delivery showing 0 days even though unspecified;
Fix: Discount badge on mobile, not showing with Ajax pagination;
Fix: Wishlist tooltip position not properly aligning sometimes;
Fix: Iconized skin, better handling of no gap grid;
Fix: Cart side-panel “Disable” option not working;
Fix: PHP error happening sometimes when a term url is invalid;
Fix: Compare product’s Add to cart button not showing icon;
Fix: Accessibility improvements for links;

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